NEXUS is a 3 year research and innovation project funded by the European Commission through HORIZON EUROPE Research and Innovation Actions.


Start date

November 2022


36 months ending on October 2025


The project involves 13 partners from 9 countries


Up to 3.5M€

Get to Know the Project

About us

NEXUS aims to develop stable, 2-terminal perovskite-Si tandem solar cells with power conversion efficiencies, following and innovative eco-design approach.

The core of NEXUS is meeting its challenges with a competitive European PV product, by bringing together research and industry to develop new perovskite-Si tandem cells and demonstrate the possibility of industrial scale-up of these cells with proof-of-concept equipment.

Bringing together 13 partners from 9 countries in Europe, the project combines the expertise of top-level research and technology organisations with industry partners capable of looking at the whole value chain from innovation to market deployment and policies.

Building on demonstrated expertise, the project is a step towards a more clean, secure and affordable EU energy supply.

Consortium Partners

consortium map
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